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Table 5:

CMB, lensing and SNIa in various combinations. The mean and 68% marginals are given. For the first four cases systematics are ignored, the last column includes all systematics, from both lensing and supernovae (see Sect. 2.2.4).
Parameter CMB CMB+Lens CMB+SN CMB+Lens+SN CMB+Lens+SN+sys
$\Omega_{\textrm{b}}$ $0.045^{\rm +0.020}_{-0.016}$ $0.041^{\rm +0.016}_{-0.008}$ $0.0433^{\rm +0.0028}_{-0.0026}$ $0.0432^{\rm +0.0026}_{-0.0023}$ $0.0428\pm{0.0029}$
$\Omega_{\textrm{m}}$ $0.262^{\rm +0.099}_{-0.093}$ $0.242^{\rm +0.092}_{-0.048}$ $0.257^{\rm +0.025}_{-0.023}$ $0.253^{\rm +0.018}_{-0.016}$ $0.251^{\rm +0.023}_{-0.018}$
$\tau$ $0.087\pm{0.016}$ $0.086^{\rm +0.016}_{-0.017}$ $0.088^{\rm +0.019}_{-0.016}$ $0.088^{\rm +0.019}_{-0.015}$ $0.088\pm{0.017}$
w $-1.08^{\rm +0.39}_{-0.53}$ $-1.09^{\rm +0.24}_{-0.22}$ $-1.025^{\rm +0.071}_{-0.072}$ $-1.010^{\rm +0.059}_{-0.060}$ $-1.021^{\rm +0.079}_{-0.081}$
ns $0.963^{\rm +0.019}_{-0.014}$ $0.961^{\rm +0.014}_{-0.016}$ $0.962\pm{0.015}$ $0.963^{\rm +0.015}_{-0.014}$ $0.963^{\rm +0.014}_{-0.015}$
$10^9\Delta^2_R$ $2.43^{\rm +0.13}_{-0.14}$ $2.418^{\rm +0.083}_{-0.110}$ $2.43^{\rm +0.12}_{-0.11}$ $2.414^{\rm +0.098}_{-0.092}$ $2.41\pm{0.11}$
h $0.74^{\rm +0.18}_{-0.12}$ $0.754^{\rm +0.096}_{-0.089}$ $0.719^{\rm +0.025}_{-0.022}$ $0.720^{\rm +0.023}_{-0.021}$ $0.723^{\rm +0.027}_{-0.025}$
$\sigma _8$ $0.82^{\rm +0.14}_{-0.15}$ $0.819^{\rm +0.061}_{-0.069}$ $0.807^{\rm +0.044}_{-0.046}$ $0.795^{\rm +0.030}_{-0.027}$ $0.798^{\rm +0.037}_{-0.044}$

Source LaTeX | All tables | In the text

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