Issue |
Volume 437, Number 1, July I 2005
Page(s) | 297 - 302 | |
Section | The Sun | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 June 2005 |
Flares associated with abnormal rotation rates: Longitudinal minimum separation of leading and following sunspots
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore-560034, India e-mail:
Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur, Kerala-680102, India
Using six years (1969-1974) of data
of sunspot groups from the white light pictures of the
Kodaikanal Observatory, we compute rotation rates of the leading and
the following sunspots and the rate of change of longitudinal separation
during their life times. We find that
(i) the spots that are associated
with abnormal rotation rates (i.e, rotation rates that
are greater than 1σ from the mean rotation) and that
approach at a separation rate of deg/day
also experience minimum longitudinal
separation (~
) of their foot points
during the course of their evolution; (ii) spots
that have a minimum separation eventually trigger flares;
and (iii) events with abnormal rotation rates
and minimum approaching distances of the foot
points occur on average during between
of the life spans,
indicating the annihilation of magnetic energy,
probably below the surface. These results support the
conventional physical scenario of magnetic reconnection
that may be responsible for triggering flares.
Key words: sunspots / Sun: flares
© ESO, 2005
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