Issue |
Volume 414, Number 2, February I 2004
Page(s) | 453 - 461 | |
Section | Extragalactic astronomy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 January 2004 |
NGC 1566: Spectroscopy of a symmetric system with Seyfert nucleus*
Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Laprida 854, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina e-mail:
SECyT, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba e-mail:
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, CC 5, 1894 Villa Elisa, Prov. de Bs. As., Argentina e-mail:
Corresponding author: R. J. Díaz,
The central region and main body of the very symmetrical galaxy
NGC 1566 were observed and studied
spectrophotometrically and kinematically. We found that: a) the total masses derived from the Satoh model fitted
to the rotation curve, and from the global radial
velocity profile, are coincident:
which implies the presence of two galactic subsystems without the
need for a massive halo;
b) from the rotation curve of the fitted
model an outflow motion at the bar tips is confirmed
km s-1);
c) the observed non-circular
motions in some regions with significant blue shifts
km s-1) would represent inflows of gas
to the nucleus;
d) the fitted pattern speed at
) km s-1 kpc-1 allows one to explain the radial positions
of the inner ring, the star formation ridge of the arms, and the
ring at the main disk outer edge, as result of dynamical resonances;
e) the
nucleus was in a stage of Seyfert 1.8 and in a low level of
activity during observations;
f) nuclear and inner rings were
detected; there is also evidence of a ring at the main disk outer
edge; g) some emission regions in the arms have Hα fluxes
higher than in the nucleus; h) the star bursts in the ring at the
bar end radius would be younger than in the arms; i) the Hα emission appears to be correlated with the thermal component of the
continuum radiation and with the molecular gas over the whole
Key words: galaxies: individual: NGC 1566 / galaxies: photometry / galaxies: nuclei / galaxies: kinematics and dynamics
© ESO, 2004
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