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Volume 578, June 2015
Article Number A76
Number of page(s) 11
Section Stellar structure and evolution
Published online 09 June 2015

Online material

Appendix A: Results for the fitting the acoustic signatures

All the individual angular frequency measurements and corresponding second differences of the radial modes are listed in the Tables A.1. The results for the first differences and second differences of all the LRGs are shown in the Figs. A.1 to A.17, similar to those provided for KIC 12008916 in Fig. 1.

thumbnail Fig. A.1

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 3744043, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color.

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thumbnail Fig. A.2

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 6117517, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.3

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 6144777, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color.

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thumbnail Fig. A.4

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 7060732.

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thumbnail Fig. A.5

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 7619745.

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thumbnail Fig. A.6

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 8366239. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.7

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 8475025.

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thumbnail Fig. A.8

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 8718745, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color.

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thumbnail Fig. A.9

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 9145955, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.10

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 9267654. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.11

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 9475697, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.12

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 9882316.

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thumbnail Fig. A.13

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 10200377, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.14

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 10257278, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.15

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 11353313, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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thumbnail Fig. A.16

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 11913545.

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thumbnail Fig. A.17

Same description as in Fig. 1 but for KIC 11968334, with yellow star from = 3 modes and corresponding polynomial fit with same color. Open symbols represent measurements that used modes with detection probability under the threshold suggested by C15.

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Table A.1

Radial angular frequencies ωn,0 and second angular frequency differences Δ2ωn,0 for all the stars of the sample.

© ESO, 2015

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