Free Access
Volume 570, October 2014
Article Number A67
Number of page(s) 18
Section Interstellar and circumstellar matter
Published online 20 October 2014

Online material

Appendix A: Molecular models

When modelling the HO transitions for all isotopologues, we include the 45 lowest levels of the ground and first vibrational states (i.e. the bending mode ν2 = 1 at 6.3 μm). For the two spin isomers of the main isotopologue, we have also included excitation to the first excited vibrational state of the asymmetric stretching mode (ν3 = 1). The difference on the model line fluxes due to the inclusion of the ν3 = 1 level is found to be 20% at maximum (Decin et al. 2010a). The frequencies, level energies and Einstein A coefficients were retrieved from the HITRAN HO line list (Rothman et al. 2009). The collisional rates between HO and H2 were extracted from Faure et al. (2007).

Following Decin et al. (2010a), we consider the 40 lowest rotational levels of the ground and first vibrationally excited states when modelling the 28SiO transitions. The Einstein A coefficients, energy levels and frequencies were taken from Langhoff & Bauschlicher (1993). The collisional rates between 28SiO and H2 were retrieved from the LAMBDA-database (Schöier et al. 2005).

Appendix B: Observed 28SiO and HO line fluxes

Table B.1

Integrated line fluxes and uncertainties for the 28SiO transitions observed with Herschel for W Hya.

Table B.2

Extracted ortho-HO lines from the PACS observations.

Table B.3

Extracted p-HO lines from the PACS observations.

© ESO, 2014

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