Free Access
Volume 537, January 2012
Article Number A79
Number of page(s) 41
Section Stellar atmospheres
Published online 11 January 2012

Online material

Appendix A: Details of the nitrogen model atom

This section provides some details of our N ii, N iv and N v model ions (corresponding material for N iii has been already presented in Paper I). Configurations and term designations are outlined in Tables A.1A.3, whilst Figs. A.1A.3 display the Grotrian diagrams for the N ii singlet and triplet system (the quintet system comprises five levels only), the N iv singlet and triplet system, and the N v doublet system, respectively. In these figures, important optical transitions as given in Table 2 are indicated as well.

thumbnail Fig. A.1

Grotrian diagrams for the N ii singlet (upper panel) and triplet (lower panel) systems. Level designations refer to Table A.1. Important optical transitions are indicated by green lines and numbers referring to entries in Table 2.

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Table A.1

Electronic configurations and term designations of our N ii model ion.

thumbnail Fig. A.2

As Fig. A.1, but for the N iv singlet (left) and triplet (right) system. Level numbers refer to Table A.2.

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Table A.2

Electronic configurations and term designations of our N iv model ion.

thumbnail Fig. A.3

As Fig. A.1, but for the N v model ion. Level numbers refer to Table A.3.

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Table A.3

Electronic configurations and term designations of our N v model ion.

Appendix B: Tests of the N II model ion

Figures B.1 to B.7 refer to tests of our N ii model ion, as described in Sect. 2.2.1. Figure B.1 compares electron temperatures and densities for B-star parameters calculated by fastwind and tlusty, whilst Figs. B.2 to B.7 compare corresponding synthetic N ii line profiles from these two codes and from calculations by Przybilla et al. (priv. comm.).

thumbnail Fig. B.1

fastwind (black) vs. tlusty (red): comparison of electron temperature and electron density as a function of Rosseland optical depth for the six models corresponding to Figs. B.2 to B.7.

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thumbnail Fig. B.2

Comparison of important optical N ii line profiles for a model with Teff = 20 kK and log g = 3.0, for models – see Table 1 – FW (black), FW2 (red), TL (green) and Prz (blue). Note that N ii λ 3995 is not present in the BSTAR2006 grid.

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thumbnail Fig. B.3

As Fig. B.2, but for Teff = 20 kK and log g = 2.5, for models FW (black), FW2 (red), and TL (green).

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thumbnail Fig. B.4

As Fig. B.2, but for Teff = 24 kK and log g = 3.0.

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thumbnail Fig. B.5

As Fig. B.3, but for Teff = 24 kK and log g = 2.75.

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thumbnail Fig. B.6

As Fig. B.3, but for Teff = 27.5 kK and log g = 3.5.

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thumbnail Fig. B.7

As Fig. B.3, but for Teff = 27.5 kK and log g = 3.0.

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Appendix C: Line fits for individual objects

Figures C.1 to C.22 display the observed (green) and best-fitting optical nitrogen spectra (black) for all our objects, except for N11-072, N11-032, and BI237, which are contained in the main section. Blue and red spectra show corresponding synthetic line profiles with [N] at the lower and upper limit, respectively. For N11-031 (Fig. C.7), we show the fits corresponding to the two alternative solutions for this star (see Sect. 5). For details on the line fits, see Sect. 5, and for adopted stellar parameters and derived nitrogen abundances inspect Tables 4 and 6, respectively. All fits are based on unclumped winds except when explicitly stated.

thumbnail Fig. C.1

N11-029 – O9.7 Ib. Observed (green) and best-fitting optical nitrogen spectrum (black). Blue and red spectra correspond to synthetic line profiles with [N] at the lower and upper limit, respectively. For details, see Sect. 5.

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thumbnail Fig. C.2

N11-036 – B0.5 Ib.

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thumbnail Fig. C.3

N11-008 – B0.7 Ia.

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thumbnail Fig. C.4

N11-042 – B0 III.

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thumbnail Fig. C.5

N11-033 – B0 IIIn.

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thumbnail Fig. C.6

N11-026 – O2 III(f).

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thumbnail Fig. C.7

N11-031 – ON2 III(f). Black: cooler solution, supported by He iλ4471, N iii and N ivλ6380. Red: hotter solution, supported by the N iv/N v lines (see Sect. 5).

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thumbnail Fig. C.8

N11-038 – O5 II(f+).

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thumbnail Fig. C.9

Sk–66° 100 – O6 II(f).

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thumbnail Fig. C.10

N11-045 – O9 III.

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thumbnail Fig. C.11

BI253 – O2 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.12

N11-060 – O3 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.13

Sk–70° 69 – O5 V((f)). For this star, the N iv multiplet at 7103 − 7129 Å has not been observed.

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thumbnail Fig. C.14

N11-051– O5 Vn((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.15

N11-058 – O5.5 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.16

Sk–66° 18 – O6 V((f)). Magenta spectra correspond to a weakly clumped model. For details, see Sect. 5.

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thumbnail Fig. C.17

N11-065 – O6.5 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.18

N11-066 – O7 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.19

N11-068 – O7 V((f)).

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thumbnail Fig. C.20

N11-061 – O9 V.

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thumbnail Fig. C.21

N11-123 – O9.5 V.

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thumbnail Fig. C.22

N11-087 – O9.5 Vn.

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© ESO, 2012

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