Issue |
Volume 525, January 2011
Article Number | A99 | |
Number of page(s) | 15 | |
Section | Extragalactic astronomy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 December 2010 |
Online material
Appendix A: Determination of spatial velocities
We update the transformation matrix T defined in Johnson & Soderblom (1987) (following Green (1985)) to equinox J2000:
matrix B of Johnson &
Soderblom (1987) remains defined as:
are the equatorial coordinates of the generic dwarf galaxy at the present time
t = t0. In our case, we get
for the Carina dwarf
galaxy. Now we have to consider a reflection of the velocity axis that we want pointing
away from the Galactic centre and obtain the correction for the rotation of the galaxy,
as well as the motion of the sun relative to the local standard of rest:
is the velocity of the dwarf galaxy at the instant
t = t0,
vr is the radial velocity,
the proper motions in arcsec yr-1, d the distances that
have to be assumed in pc to apply the conversion values k = 4.74;
v ⊙ , LSR = {10.0,5.2,7.2} km s-1
as in Binney & Merrifield (1998) and
Vc = 220 km s-1 as adopted
by the IAU (1986). For the distances, we also adopt a different reference system from
Johnson & Soderblom (1987) in order to
obtain a right-handed reference system. This is achieved by imposing a double reflection
for the positive X-axis originating in the Galactic centre and the
positive Y-axis pointing along decreasing Galactic longitude:
x = (x,y,z) is the generic position
of the dwarf galaxy,
x⊙ = {x⊙,y⊙,z⊙} ≅ {8.5,0.0,0.0}
is the Sun’s position assumed for simplicity to lie in the plane of the MW and
are the Galactic coordinates that can be consistently derived for a cross check from
The selection of an aligned reference system between the configuration space and the
velocity space will permit us to treat, in a simpler form, the velocity vector as a
derivative of the position vector for times different from the present. Similarly, we
can derive the errors as where
p is the parallax and B2 the
matrix with elements
∀i,j. With these equations and the proper motion and errors in the
text, we can derive our estimate value for the orbital energy of the dwarf galaxy we are
Appendix B: Barycentre determination
Once we try to move from the crude point mass determination to the full
N-body description and include many different astrophysical aspects,
we encounter the necessity of analysing the system properties of the many
N-body system realizations by detecting the position of the centre of
mass of the system. The determination of the not inertial centre of mass of a galaxy
moving within an external force field can be performed in different ways but it is clear
that we must evaluate it automatically to speed up analysis of the large number of
simulations we performed for finding the best match with the observational constraints.
In this Appendix, we present an original approach based on the downhill simplex method
(Nelder & Mead 1965), which is a direct search method that works moderately well
in low-dimensional stochastic problems. Our task is to apply the method to find the
barycentre of the nucleus of our dwarf galaxy, limiting ourselves to the knowledge of
the position of the galaxy at a given snapshot for every
particle, ∀i, and at every moment, ∀t, during the
evolution of our dwarf. We refer the reader to books such as Numerical Recipes by Press et al. (1986) which uses the method in the
section dedicated to the minimization already back in 1986. Here we limit ourselves to
showing a further possible application where this method is suitable. In the practical
implementation, we refer to the matrix formalism developed in the original work of
Nelder and Mead. The simplex, a convex hull of a tetrahedron for our 3D space
surrounding our MW galaxy, represented by a
time-dependent matrix, whose columns are the vertex
For any simplex α ∈ R3 we can define the matrix,
as the 3 × 3 matrix whose columns represent the edges of
and ê = (1, 1, 1)T.
In this way we can, as a first step, check the
degenerate character of the simplex by ensuring that the 3D volume of
As a consequence, in a
Euclidean geometry the reflection, expansion, inside/outside-contraction and shrinkage
computed by the algorithm will always produce a non-degenerate tetrahedron. We then
define the diameter of the simplex as
∅(α) = maxi ≠ j ∥ xi − xj ∥ ∀t
where ∥.∥ is the standard norm. Finally we define a suitable function
for finding the best point representing a barycentre of the dwarf galaxy. If we call
the distance of the ith-star from the guess value of the barycentre
xb at the instant
under consideration, then we need to maximize the function
r ∗ is a characteristic radius of the system we want to
analyse. Our experience shows that it does not have to be physically related to the
system, but a suitable choice of a few kpc can definitely improve the convergence
velocity and the stability of the barycentre value if related to the convergence
criteria. If f is a bounded function then for every non-degenerate case
it can be proved for the downhill simplex algorithm (we indicate with k
the iteration of the algorithm) that
the sequence
always converges;
at every non-shrinking iterations k,
, with strict inequality for at least one variable of I;
if there is only a finite number of shrink iterations, then
each sequence
converges as k → ∞ for
if we call
if there is only a finite number of non-shrink iterations, then all simplex vertexes converge to a single point.
All this ensures that the down hill simplex method applied to the function (B.1) will always converge if the number of
shrink iteration is small (which is in our experience). We adopted a variable diameter
as indicated by the subset of the stars for which we computed the barycentre,
, e.g. with a physical radius
converging to zero as the number of successive times that the down hill simplex method
is applied, j, increases the assigned
In practice, we of course chose r ∗ to be slightly higher
than the softening length of the gravitational potential
r ∗ > εstar.
Appendix C: Encounter with the Magellanic Clouds
In this Appendix we discuss the probability for a fly by interaction with the Magellanic Clouds to investigate the possibility suggested by Muñoz et al. (2006). We relegate these arguments to this Appendix because they simply concern probability considerations that are derived from dynamics. The suggestion presented in the paper of Muñoz et al. (2006) comes from the analysis of only 15 stars in the local universe, too small to justify a further set of full simulations. In particular, we are interested in the recent determination of surprisingly large proper motion for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic
Cloud (SMC) (Kallivayalil et al. 2006b,a), which caused interest due to the possible
implications for their evolutionary history (e.g., Kallivayalil et al. 2009; Piatek et al.
2008; Besla et al. 2007; Olsen & Massey 2007). As explained in Kallivayalil et al. (2009), the most relevant problem
faced by the integration of the orbits of the Magellanic Clouds with an expected
apocentre so far from the MW barycentre, is the unknown mass distribution of the MW for
distances larger than 100–200 kpc (e.g., Besla et al.
2007). With our MW galactic potential model presented in Appendix B, we cannot
extend the integration of the LMC orbit much further as required to overlap the entire
time with the orbit integration spanned by the minimization of the action for Carina.
Thus we limit ourselves to the last 3 Gyr of evolution in look-back time because in the
potential of MW, the LMC after 3 Gyr of look-back time integration will already be more
distant than 200 kpc from the MW barycentre, thereby falsifying any phase-space
derivation. Thus we accept the conclusion already presented in Besla et al. (2007) in favour of a single/first pericentre passage
for the MC not more than a few hundred million years ago, and we proceed by minimizing
the distance function
dCar−MC:R7 → R + in
the 7-dimensional space of the initial values for
v0, Car ∈ [v0, Car ± δv0, Car] ,
v0, MC ∈ [v0, MC ± δv0, MC]
computed as in Appendix A and t ∈]−3,0] Gyr. We
integrated the equation of motion here for the Magellanic Clouds, taking into account an
extra term due to the dynamical friction as ascribed in Eq. (8) caused by the dependence of the force on
the square of the mass of the Magellanic Clouds (e.g.
mLMC ≅ 2. × 109 M⊙)
that makes the dynamical friction much more relevant than for Carina. The result is that
the closest distance approach permitted between the two galaxies in the range of the
possible phase-space observational errors is more than 50 kpc, completely ruling out any
possible interaction within the currently suggested phase-space error range deduced from
the observations. The same consideration holds for any interaction with the SMC.
© ESO, 2010
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