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Fig. 2.


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Comparison of the dust torus model of Ohnaka et al. (2008) with the GRAVITY data. a: image predicted by the dust torus model at 2.2 μm with an inclination angle of 20°. Note that the central star’s intensity (white dot at the center) is at least ∼400 times higher than that of the torus. North is up, east is to the left. b: comparison of the visibility between the dust torus model and the GRAVITY data. The black dots (they appear to be solid lines due to the high density) represent the 2.2 μm visibilities predicted by the dust torus model. The dots with the error bars represent the GRAVITY data with the position angle (PA) of the projected baseline color-coded: red (0° ≤ PA < 45°), green (45° ≤ PA < 90°), blue (90° ≤ PA < 135°), and light blue (135° ≤ PA < 180°). c: comparison of the closure phase between the dust torus model and the GRAVITY data. The model closure phases are shown in black, while the measurements are plotted with the red dots with the error bars.

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