Open Access

Table 1

Parameters for Teegarden’s star and its three planets.

Parameter Value Ref.
Teegarden’s star
Distance d (pc) 3.831 ± 0.004 Gaia DR2
Spectral type M7.0V Alo15
Teff (K) 3034 ± 45 Marf21
logg (cm s−2) 5.19 ± 0.2 Marf21
[Fe/H] −0.11 ± 0.28 Marf21
Lbol (10−5 L) 72.2 ± 0.05 Marf21
R (R) 0.120 ± 0.012 Marf21
M (M) 0.097 ± 0.010 Marf21
log (LHα/Lbol) −5.37 Zech19
Age (Gyr) >8 Zech19
Prot (d) 97.56 Shan24
LX (erg s−1) 2.8…4.2 × 1025
log(LX/Lbol) −5.0…−4.81
FX (erg s−1 cm−2) 1.58…2.4 × 10−14

Planet b
Period (d) 4.91 Drei24
Semi major axis (au) 0.0259 Drei24

Planet c
Period (d) 11.416 Drei24
Semi major axis (au) 0.0455 Drei24

Planet d
Period (d) 26.13 Drei24
Semi major axis (au) 0.0791 Drei24

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