Fig. 4.
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Comptonization of inner reflection photons of model B.1 through slab corona of optical depth 0.282 and electron temperature 160 keV using MONK. Panel (A) shows the broadband spectral output from MONK. Integrated term is used to denote total spectrum integrated over 2π solid angle, whereas 66° inclination is mentioned to indicate observation at that specific inclination. Seed spectrum is provided as the seed photons for Comptonization in MONK. Comptonized spectrum is made of photons which are scattered one or more times by the hot electrons in the corona. Unscattered spectrum is made of photons which are able to leak through corona without scattering. Flux is always computed in energy range 1 eV–1 MeV. Panel (B) shows the unscattered spectrum and Comptonized spectrum of MONK output at inclination 66° along with model components of the best fitted model B.1 presented in Table 1.
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