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Fig. 3.


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Best-fit model B for the NuSTAR observation with reflection ≡ kynrefionx(reflionx_hd). The fitted model parameters are presented in Table 1. Simultaneous NICER observation is also overplotted in the energy range of 0.5–10.0 keV which is sufficient to understand the consistency or inconsistency of reprocessed blackbody. The primary reason for not fitting NICER data is the requirement of more model components (e.g., gabs, edge) to fit the different calibration features of the instrument at low energy which will make the model unnecessarily complicated. For completeness, in Appendix B we fit the NICER data as well with NuSTAR. Please note that we are showing unfolded spectra instead of actual data to match the Y-axis for two different instruments. Data were rebinned using the command “setplot rebin 100 10” to present in the plot.

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