Open Access

Table D.1

The description of columns of the final catalog.

Column Unit Type Description
obsid integer LAMOST observation identifier
ra degree double right ascension of object
dec degree double declination of object
snrg float S/N at g band
snrr float S/N at r band
flag short flag=1 means existing bad pixels
cnn_teff K double effective temperature determined by this work
cnn_logg dex double surface gravity determined by this work
cnn_feh dex double Metallicity determined by this work
cnn_mg mag double absolute magnitude of Gaia G band determined by this work
cnn_bprp mag double BP - RP color of Gaia determined by this work
cnn_distance pc double distance determined by this work
lasp_teff K float effective temperature obtained by LASP
lasp_teff_err K float effective temperature uncertainty obtained by LASP
lasp_logg dex float surface gravity obtained by LASP
lasp_logg_err dex float surface gravity uncertainty obtained by LASP
lasp_feh dex float metallicity obtained by LASP
lasp_feh_err dex float metallicity uncertainty obtained by LASP
lasp_rv km/s float radial velocity obtained by LASP
lasp_rv_err km/s float radial velocity uncertainty obtained by LASP
gaia_source_id long source identifier in Gaia DR3
parallax mas double parallax provided by Gaia DR3
parallax_over_error double parallax divided by its standard error
parallax_zeropoint mas double parallax zero-point according to Lindegren et al. (2021)
parallax_correction mas double parallax after zero-point correction
gaia_g_mean_mag mag double G mag provided by Gaia DR3
gaia_bp_rp mag double BP - RP color provided by Gaia DR3
r_med_geo pc double distance from Bailer-Jones et al. (2021)
APOGEE_ID string identifier in APOGEE

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