Open Access

Table 2.

Sample galaxies.

Name RA (2000) Dec (2000) VLSR D
h m s ° ″ km s−1 Mpc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Newly observed galaxies
N253 00:47:33.1 –25:17:18 245 3.4
N613 01:34:18.2 –29:25:06 1480 19.7
N660 01:43:02.4 +13:38:42 843 12.2
N1068 ( * ) 02:42:40.7 –00:00:48 1135 15.2
N1097 ( * ) 02:46:19.0 –30:16:30 1270 16.5
N1365 ( * ) 03:33:36.4 –36:08:25 1635 21.5
N1808 05:07:42.3 –37:30:47 995 12.3
N2559 08:17:06.1 –27:27:21 1560 21.4
N4945 ( * ) 13:05:27.5 –49:28:06 565 4.4
N5236 13:37:00.9 –29:51:56 515 4.0
N6240 16:52:58.9 +02:24:03 7304 116.4

Galaxies from the literature

IC342 03:46:48.5 +68:05:47 35 3.5
N3034 09:55:52.7 +69:40:46 275 4.0

Notes. Active galaxy nuclei (AGNs) are marked by an asterisk.

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