Fig. 3.

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Comparison of observed line ratios. Straight lines mark least-squares linear fits to the data displayed. Top row: comparison of J = 6–5 and J = 3–2 line intensities normalized by J = 1–0 intensity. Left: 12CO ratios in 43″ apertures. Open circle marks the Inner Galaxy including Galactic Nucleus. Center: 12CO ratios in 22″ apertures. Open circle marks the Galactic Center; open square marks the starburst dwarf galaxy He2-10. In both panels, the relatively nearby galaxies at distances D ≤ 6.5 Mpc are marked by a cross. Right: 13CO ratios in extrapolated 11″ apertures. Bottom row: comparison of isotopologue intensities in (extrapolated) 11″ apertures. Left: comparison of the 13CO and 12CO J = 6–5/J = 1–0 intensity ratios. Center: comparison of the J = 6-5 isotopologue intensity ratios and the 13CO J = 6–5/J = 1–0 intensity ratios. The outlier NGC 6240 is not included. Right: isotopologue intensity ratios as a function of 12CO(6–5)/ 12CO(1–0) intensity ratios. The J = 1–0 isotopological ratios are assumed to be identical in 11″ and 22″ apertures. Filled circles mark isotopological intensity ratios in the J = 6–5 transition, open circles those in the J = 1–0 transition.
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