Open Access

Table 7

Final results for v sin i, λ, i, and ψ.

System v sin i(a) λ i ψ
(km s-1) (°) (°) (°)
HD 118203 4.90.5+0.4$4.9_{ - 0.5}^{ + 0.4}$ 2338+25$ - 23_{ - 38}^{ + 25}$ 17±2 755+3$75_{ - 5}^{ + 3}$
HD 148193 6.3 ± 0.4 148+7$14_{ - 8}^{ + 7}$
K2-261 1.3 ± 0.4 3233+48$32_{ - 33}^{ + 48}$
K2-287 1.16 ± 0.17 2312+12$23_{ - 12}^{ + 12}$
KELT-3 7.2 ± 0.4 –5 ± 4
KELT-4A 5.80.5+0.4$5.8_{ - 0.5}^{ + 0.4}\quad $ 8022+25$80_{ - 22}^{ + 25}$
LTT 1445A(b) 1.4 ± 0.5 2283+98$22_{ - 83}^{ + 98}$
TOI-451A(b) 8.1 ± 0.5 2340+37$ - 23_{ - 40}^{ + 37}$ 698+11$69_{ - 8}^{ + 11}\quad $ 4028+22$40_{ - 28}^{ + 22}$
TOI-813 8.4 ± 0.5 –32 ± 23
TOI-892 6.5 ± 0.5 1216+18$ - 12_{ - 16}^{ + 18}$
TOI-1130 1.2 ± 0.3 46+5$4_{ - 6}^{ + 5}$
WASP-50 1.97 ± 0.10 –2.9 ± 1.2
WASP-59 0.580.16+0.18$0.58_{ - 0.16}^{ + 0.18}\quad $ 1616+18$16_{ - 16}^{ + 18}$
WASP-136 12 2±0 5 3818+16$ - 38_{ - 18}^{ + 16}\quad $ 386+7$38_{ - 6}^{ + 7}$ 60 ± 8
WASP-148 2.00.3+0.4$2.0_{ - 0.3}^{ + 0.4}$ –2 ± 8 6821+8$68_{ - 21}^{ + 8}\quad $ 2117+9$21_{ - 17}^{ + 9}$
WASP-172 13.00.5+0.4$13.0_{ - 0.5}^{ + 0.4}$ 115±6 7314+9$73_{ - 14}^{ + 9}$ 112±6
WASP-173A 6.50.4+0.3$6.5_{ - 0.4}^{ + 0.3}\quad $ 1120+32$11_{ - 20}^{ + 32}\quad $ 7113+10$71_{ - 13}^{ + 10}$ 30 ± 14
WASP-186 14.8 ± 0.5 1016+18$ - 10_{ - 16}^{ + 18}\quad $ 7515+7$75_{ - 15}^{ + 7}\quad $ 2214+11$22_{ - 14}^{ + 11}$
XO-7 5.1 ± 0.5 014+20$0_{ - 14}^{ + 20}$ 14.51.4+1.6$14.5_{ - 1.4}^{ + 1.6}$ 70 ± 1.7
WASP-26 2.9 ± 0.8 1610+14$ - 16_{ - 10}^{ + 14}$

Notes. (a)In general the v sin i value is largely constrained by the Gaussian prior of σ = 0.5 km s–1 applied. (b)We caution that we might not have detected the RM effect in these systems and these measurements are therefore dubious.

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