Open Access

Table 1

Details of JVLA observations on DM Tau.

Epoch Time Band Array coring. On-source time Beam size RMS noise Peak intensity Flux density Flux calib. Gain calib. BP calib.
(UTC) Freq. (GHz) uv-dis. (m) (min) (µjy beam−1) (mJy beam−1) (mJy) Flux (Jy) Flux (Jy)
A-1(a) 2011 07 26 C A 24 0″.6×σ″.34 8.0 3C138 J0431+2037 J0319+4130
09:55:29–13:54:48 4.3–7.8 793–36584 (PA: −54°) 2.36±0.003 20.6±0.06
A-2(b) 2019 09 28 Q A 35 0″.054×0″.044 23 3C138 J0431+1731 J0319+4130
12:30:50–13:40:54 40.0–47.8 692–34720 (PA: −3°) 0.196±0.0007 19.9±0.076
A-3(b) 2019 10 06 Q A 35 0″.046×σ″.041 24 3C138 J0431+1731 J0319+4130
11:02:14–12:12:14 40.0–47.8 1678–36475 (PA: −10°) 0.186±0.0005 19.0±0.054
A-4(b) 2019 10 14 Q A 35 0″.052×0″.049 23 3C138 J0431+1731 J0319+4130
10:13:50–11:23:50 40.0–47.8 742–36617 (PA: 60°) 0.191±0.0004 18.8±0.038

B-l(a) 2011 02 25 C B 3.5 1″.1×1″.1 17 3C147 J0449+1121 3C147
01:52:16–03:51:46 4.1–7.9 121–11124 (PA: 20°) 1.23±0.001
B-2(a) 2011 04 17–18 C B 3.5 1″.1×1″.0 25 3C147 J0449+1121 3C147
22:27:40–00:27:22 4.1–7.9 121–11124 (PA: 7°) 1.02±0.002
B-3(a) 2011 05 14–15 C BnA 3.5 1″.5×0″.48 21 3C147 J0449+1121 3C147
23:11:10–01:10:48 4.1–7.9 121–22816 (PA: 62°) 0.95±0.002
B-4 2012 08 12 Q B 83 0″.28×0″.17 26 0.19 0.56 J0542+4951 J0431 + 1731 J0319+4130
08:45:42–11:44:48 41.0–43.0 109–11124 (PA: −59°) 0.224±0.0004 22.2±0.02
B-5 2012 08 29 Q B 81 0″.28×0″.16 24 0.18 0.57 J0542+4951 J0431 + 1731 J0319+4130
08:08:54–11:07:54 41.0–43.0 109–11124 (PA: −51°) 0.228±0.0002 21.5±0.02
B-6 2012 09 04 Q B 83 0″.22×0″.17 26 0.17 0.59 J0542+4951 J0431 + 1731 J0319+4130
08:46:47–11:44:12 41.0–43.0 121–11124 (PA: −30°) 0.223±0.0002 23.3±0.06
B-7 2012 09 15 Q BnA 83 0″.2o×0″.12 25 0.14 0.70 J0542+4951 J0431 + 1731 J0319+4130
07:31:51–10:30:57 41.0–43.0 256–22816 (PA: −65°) 0.249±0.0005 23.9±0.05
B-8(a) 2013 10 29 X B 19 0″.97×0″.82 5.9 J0137+3309 J0409+ 1217 J0137+3309
05:39:43–07:09:22 8.0–10.0 121–11124 (PA: −62°) 0.343±0.0002

C-1 2010 12 13 Q C 126 0″.80×0″.60 19 0.40 0.59 J0542+4951 J0431 + 1731 J0319+4130
01:14:16–05:13:21 41.0–43.0 43–3387 (PA: −53°) 0.361±0.0005 15.8±0.04

D-l(a) Aug. 24, 2010 K D 9.5 4″.5×3″.4 53 J0542+4951 J0431+2037 J0319+4130
08:30:25–12:59:41 20.0–22.0 23–1031 (PA: −61°) 0.754±0.0005 21.1±0.02
D-2 2010 08 30 Q D 9.0 1″.9×1″.7 134 0.81 0.86 J0542+4951 J0431+2037 J0319+4130
10:06:36–14:05:51 41.0–43.0 40–1031 (PA: 83°) 0.434±0.0008 17.4±0.02
D-3 2010 09 11 K D 17 4″.2×3″.5 11 0.14 0.13 J0542+4951 J0431+2037 J0319+4130
08:20:06–12:18:50 20.0–22.0 22–1031 (PA: −51°) 0.743±0.0003 21.2±0.01
D-4 2010 09 12 Ka D 13 2″.9×2″.1 34 0.44 0.53 J0542+4951 J0431+2037 J0319+4130
09:15:23–11:42:34 31.7–33.7 23–1031 (PA: −3°) 0.631±0.0020 23.0±0.04

Notes. (a) Target source was not detected. (b) Target source was detected at a high-enough S/N for constraining flux density only after combining the three epochs of Q band observations taken in 2019.

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