Fig. B.5
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NIRCam, Keck and ALMA maps of the southwestern part of Bar. The maps have been rotated so that the ionizing radiation strikes the Bar from the left. Upper left: Map in the F470N filter continuum subtracted (H2 0-0 S(9) line at 4.7 µm). Units are in erg s−1 cm−2 sr−1. Upper right: Keck/NIRC2 map of the H2 1-0 S(1) line at 2.12 µm with a resolution of 0.085″ (Habart et al. 2023). Our NIRCam observations show a very good agreement with Keck/NIRC2 observations in terms of line distribution and intensity. Lower left and right: ALMA observation at 1″ resolution of the HCO+ J = 4-–3 line integrated intensity (in K km s−1) and the CO J=3-2 line peak temperatures (Tpeak) (Goicoechea et al. 2016). There exists a remarkably similar spatial distribution between the H2 and HCO+ emission from ALMA.
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