Open Access

Table 1

Spectral windows presented in this study for the detected iCOMs (in bold) in the observed FAUST [BHB2007] 11 dataset.

Spectral window Setup 1 Setup 2 Setup 3
(GHz) (GHz) (GHz)
spw 25 216.113 243.916 93.181
spw 27 216.563 244.049 94.405
spw 29 217.105 244.936 95.000(a)
spw 31 217.822 245.606 107.014
spw 33 218.222 246.700(a) 108.040
spw 35 218.440 260.189 104.239
spw 37 219.560 260.255 105.799
spw 39 219.949 261.687
spw 41 231.061 262.004
spw 43 213.221 257.896
spw 45 231.322 258.256
spw 47 231.410 258.549
spw 49 233.796(a) 259.035

Notes. (a) Continuum windows. The spw that are not indicated in bold were also used in the search for iCOMs transitions.

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