Table 3.

Observing parameters for each event.

Event Distance Annular FoV Binning DIT NDIT Texp Cadence Spatial scale
date [au] range [R] [s] [min] [min] [103 km px−1]

25 Apr. 2021 0.87 5.3–11.2 4 × 4 4 × 4 30 60 15 15 7.5 15 30.5 16 29 59
11 Sep. 2021 0.59 3.5–7.6 2 × 2 4 × 4 30 60 10 1 5 1 24 3 8.6 34
2 Oct. 2021 0.64 3.8–8.2 2 × 2 4 × 4 30 60 14 1 5 1 30 2 9.4 37.7
25 Oct. 2021 0.78 4.7–10.0 2 × 2 4 × 4 30 60 14 1 7 1 30 2 11 46
28 Oct. 2021 0.8 4.8–10.3 2 × 2 4 × 4 30 60 14 1 7 1 30 2 11.7 47.1

Notes. For each event we show: the event date; Solar Orbiter distance from the Sun; annular FoV range of Metis; data acquisition settings for the two Metis channels in terms of binning, detector integration time (DIT), number of images averaged on board (NDIT), exposure time (Texp) and cadence, and spatial scale of the images after binning.

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