Table 1.

Measured parameters for all the events.

Event date De-projected
Event PoS radial Residual Direction
range velocity velocity acceleration carr. coord.
[UT] [km s−1] [km s−1] [m s−2] [deg]
(Doppler dimming

pB UV Lon. Lat.
25–26 Apr. 2021 From From 152 ± 6 1.7 ± 0.4 179.5 ± 0.3 −6 ± 1
15:20 on 25/04 22:44 on 25/04 177 ± 7
to to (0.17–0.29)
04:20 on 26/04 4:44 on 26/04

11 Sep. 2021 07:03–11:07 10:05–11:17 375 ± 5 377 ± 5 7 ± 1 44.1 ± 0.6 −34 ± 1

2 Oct. 2021 14:19–15:19 17:05–19:49 228 ± 13 367 ± 22 Compatible 30 ± 1 −28 ± 1
17:33–19:49 (0.001–0.004) with zero

25 Oct. 2021 11:49–16:19 14:13–16:33 150 ± 1 265 ± 3 0.7 ± 0.1 169.6 ± 0.5 −11 ± 1
18:19–20:49 18:05–20:13 (0.009–0.04)

28 Oct. 2021 15:49–16:19 18:07–19:11 244 ± 10 246 ± 10 15 ± 3 15.6 ± 0.5 22.9 ± 0.8
Northwest 18:19–20:49 (0.02–0.08)

28 Oct. 2021 18:19–20:49 18:05–22:57 152 ± 1 437 ± 4 −8.5 ± 0.1 258.5 ± 0.4 −8.3 ± 0.6
Southeast (2.7–5.2) × 10−4

Notes. For each event we show: the event date, the time range of the events in the two channels, the apparent PoS velocity, radial velocity, and, in brackets, Doppler dimming coefficients calculated considering the electron temperatures distributions of Gibson et al. (1999) and Vásquez et al. (2003) extrapolated at the radial position of bright structures, the de-projected residual acceleration, and Carrington coordinates of the eruption directions estimated by the triangulation method as explained in the text.

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