Open Access

Table B.1.

Hα and Hβ luminosity functions of the main-ELG sample and their different components.

observed log(Φ(LHα/Mpc−3 dex−1))
log LHα Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyferts Passive
39.9 −2.180 ± 0.071 −2.300 ± 0.085 −2.409 ± 0.090 −3.133 ± 0.043 −2.968 ± 0.152 −3.985 ± 0.107 −5.598 ± 0.114
40.1 −2.233 ± 0.049 −2.315 ± 0.053 −2.475 ± 0.052 −3.377 ± 0.046 −2.833 ± 0.088 −3.845 ± 0.118 −5.689 ± 0.124
40.3 −2.283 ± 0.041 −2.358 ± 0.042 −2.463 ± 0.042 −3.526 ± 0.040 −2.965 ± 0.047 −3.801 ± 0.138 −6.221 ± 0.181
40.5 −2.350 ± 0.097 −2.401 ± 0.108 −2.542 ± 0.149 −3.673 ± 0.043 −2.995 ± 0.052 −3.959 ± 0.058 −6.665 ± 0.127
40.7 −2.402 ± 0.039 −2.441 ± 0.040 −2.533 ± 0.040 −3.878 ± 0.039 −3.195 ± 0.046 −4.010 ± 0.087 −6.764 ± 0.197
40.9 −2.557 ± 0.038 −2.588 ± 0.038 −2.690 ± 0.039 −4.083 ± 0.045 −3.332 ± 0.043 −4.035 ± 0.049 −7.159 ± 0.371
41.1 −2.715 ± 0.038 −2.738 ± 0.038 −2.833 ± 0.038 −4.348 ± 0.030 −3.514 ± 0.046 −4.254 ± 0.051 −5.898 ± 0.060
41.3 −2.898 ± 0.039 −2.917 ± 0.039 −2.999 ± 0.040 −4.669 ± 0.032 −3.766 ± 0.039 −4.427 ± 0.048
41.5 −3.095 ± 0.038 −3.108 ± 0.039 −3.192 ± 0.039 −5.029 ± 0.026 −3.945 ± 0.053 −4.598 ± 0.042
41.7 −3.350 ± 0.036 −3.359 ± 0.036 −3.445 ± 0.036 −5.337 ± 0.024 −4.265 ± 0.039 −4.702 ± 0.085
41.9 −3.598 ± 0.036 −3.603 ± 0.036 −3.679 ± 0.037 −5.830 ± 0.027 −4.526 ± 0.038 −5.083 ± 0.056
42.1 −3.899 ± 0.038 −3.904 ± 0.038 −3.984 ± 0.038 −6.283 ± 0.050 −4.866 ± 0.051 −5.199 ± 0.045
42.3 −4.265 ± 0.039 −4.268 ± 0.039 −4.340 ± 0.039 −6.888 ± 0.092 −5.216 ± 0.063 −5.753 ± 0.062
42.5 −4.646 ± 0.038 −4.648 ± 0.038 −4.729 ± 0.038 −6.937 ± 0.028 −5.542 ± 0.056 −6.249 ± 0.076
42.7 −5.037 ± 0.048 −5.037 ± 0.048 −5.132 ± 0.046 −7.989 ± 0.351 −5.938 ± 0.124 −6.350 ± 0.077
42.9 −5.530 ± 0.053 −5.532 ± 0.053 −5.614 ± 0.050 −8.072 ± 0.376 −6.464 ± 0.178 −6.825 ± 0.131
43.1 −5.988 ± 0.054 −5.998 ± 0.055 −6.059 ± 0.055 −7.073 ± 0.228 −7.772 ± 0.030
43.3 −6.479 ± 0.120 −6.479 ± 0.120 −6.615 ± 0.151 −7.088 ± 0.211 −8.111 ± 0.620
43.5 −7.138 ± 0.259 −7.138 ± 0.259 −7.196 ± 0.258 −8.039 ± 0.425

observed log(Φ(LHβ/Mpc−3 dex−1))
log LHβ Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyfert Passive

39.9 −2.360 ± 0.102 −2.426 ± 0.116 −2.549 ± 0.152 −3.590 ± 0.041 −3.053 ± 0.056 −3.959 ± 0.065 −5.510 ± 0.117
40.1 −2.406 ± 0.038 −2.453 ± 0.038 −2.541 ± 0.040 −3.762 ± 0.042 −3.215 ± 0.045 −4.053 ± 0.081 −5.959 ± 0.204
40.3 −2.562 ± 0.039 −2.601 ± 0.039 −2.696 ± 0.039 −3.988 ± 0.036 −3.369 ± 0.046 −4.041 ± 0.053 −6.667 ± 0.159
40.5 −2.707 ± 0.038 −2.738 ± 0.039 −2.822 ± 0.039 −4.223 ± 0.031 −3.547 ± 0.048 −4.291 ± 0.054 −6.803 ± 0.123
40.7 −2.894 ± 0.038 −2.921 ± 0.038 −3.000 ± 0.038 −4.575 ± 0.035 −3.743 ± 0.049 −4.447 ± 0.049 −5.894 ± 0.060
40.9 −3.101 ± 0.038 −3.117 ± 0.038 −3.181 ± 0.039 −4.957 ± 0.034 −4.067 ± 0.038 −4.673 ± 0.054
41.1 −3.341 ± 0.037 −3.352 ± 0.037 −3.421 ± 0.038 −5.246 ± 0.028 −4.321 ± 0.041 −4.809 ± 0.049
41.3 −3.588 ± 0.037 −3.595 ± 0.037 −3.656 ± 0.037 −5.793 ± 0.038 −4.625 ± 0.040 −5.101 ± 0.062
41.5 −3.892 ± 0.038 −3.898 ± 0.038 −3.962 ± 0.038 −6.376 ± 0.071 −4.941 ± 0.054 −5.259 ± 0.048
41.7 −4.221 ± 0.040 −4.225 ± 0.040 −4.281 ± 0.039 −6.916 ± 0.093 −5.310 ± 0.085 −5.748 ± 0.070
41.9 −4.619 ± 0.041 −4.624 ± 0.041 −4.689 ± 0.041 −6.836 ± 0.044 −5.653 ± 0.063 −6.122 ± 0.082
42.1 −4.993 ± 0.048 −4.994 ± 0.048 −5.068 ± 0.047 −7.615 ± 0.149 −6.006 ± 0.152 −6.405 ± 0.099
42.3 −5.437 ± 0.054 −5.441 ± 0.054 −5.489 ± 0.054 −6.748 ± 0.176 −6.785 ± 0.127
42.5 −5.975 ± 0.091 −5.975 ± 0.091 −6.017 ± 0.089 −7.165 ± 0.262 −8.069 ± 0.061
42.7 −6.307 ± 0.087 −6.307 ± 0.087 −6.392 ± 0.098 −7.203 ± 0.270 −7.598 ± 0.241
42.9 −6.929 ± 0.147 −6.929 ± 0.147 −6.929 ± 0.147
43.1 −7.756 ± 0.338 −7.756 ± 0.338 −7.756 ± 0.338

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