Open Access

Table C.3.

[N II] and [S II] intrinsic luminosity functions of the main-ELG sample and their different components.

intrinsic )
log L[NII] Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyfert Passive
39.9 −2.282 ± 0.067 −2.351 ± 0.044 −2.461 ± 0.049 −3.056 ± 0.062 −3.398 ± 0.321 −4.080 ± 0.111 −5.640 ± 0.154
40.1 −2.202 ± 0.052 −2.294 ± 0.058 −2.417 ± 0.049 −3.287 ± 0.045 −2.914 ± 0.137 −4.109 ± 0.185 −5.351 ± 0.198
40.3 −2.320 ± 0.092 −2.455 ± 0.115 −2.645 ± 0.173 −3.347 ± 0.051 −2.959 ± 0.039 −3.912 ± 0.122 −6.196 ± 0.162
40.5 −2.335 ± 0.028 −2.410 ± 0.029 −2.544 ± 0.030 −3.533 ± 0.036 −3.005 ± 0.043 −3.838 ± 0.109 −5.964 ± 0.201
40.7 −2.467 ± 0.026 −2.538 ± 0.029 −2.701 ± 0.024 −3.648 ± 0.038 −3.096 ± 0.068 −3.896 ± 0.079 −6.356 ± 0.183
40.9 −2.567 ± 0.028 −2.619 ± 0.030 −2.776 ± 0.039 −3.884 ± 0.038 −3.202 ± 0.037 −4.054 ± 0.088 −7.085 ± 0.195
41.1 −2.767 ± 0.028 −2.818 ± 0.019 −2.993 ± 0.019 −4.059 ± 0.038 −3.409 ± 0.034 −3.990 ± 0.053 −7.879 ± 0.425
41.3 −2.943 ± 0.024 −2.994 ± 0.026 −3.199 ± 0.024 −4.216 ± 0.056 −3.511 ± 0.043 −4.241 ± 0.065 −7.251 ± 0.425
41.5 −3.188 ± 0.017 −3.232 ± 0.018 −3.429 ± 0.017 −4.539 ± 0.038 −3.800 ± 0.039 −4.350 ± 0.044
41.7 −3.403 ± 0.020 −3.445 ± 0.021 −3.661 ± 0.024 −4.900 ± 0.035 −3.997 ± 0.026 −4.440 ± 0.042
41.9 −3.677 ± 0.014 −3.713 ± 0.015 −3.974 ± 0.017 −5.183 ± 0.036 −4.236 ± 0.022 −4.632 ± 0.061
42.1 −3.988 ± 0.018 −4.026 ± 0.018 −4.329 ± 0.017 −5.503 ± 0.091 −4.511 ± 0.038 −4.832 ± 0.066
42.3 −4.325 ± 0.019 −4.352 ± 0.020 −4.651 ± 0.029 −5.932 ± 0.050 −4.849 ± 0.029 −5.227 ± 0.090
42.5 −4.684 ± 0.018 −4.707 ± 0.018 −5.061 ± 0.024 −6.516 ± 0.114 −5.173 ± 0.037 −5.496 ± 0.093
42.7 −5.014 ± 0.035 −5.038 ± 0.037 −5.487 ± 0.046 −7.004 ± 0.189 −5.470 ± 0.085 −5.745 ± 0.069
42.9 −5.525 ± 0.051 −5.540 ± 0.053 −6.115 ± 0.053 −7.144 ± 0.211 −5.903 ± 0.074 −6.326 ± 0.196
43.1 −5.839 ± 0.060 −5.850 ± 0.060 −6.442 ± 0.097 −7.936 ± 0.425 −6.227 ± 0.102 −6.449 ± 0.125
43.3 −5.560 ± 0.318 −5.564 ± 0.321 −6.465 ± 0.143 −6.906 ± 0.149 −5.669 ± 0.016
43.5 −7.153 ± 0.185 −7.322 ± 0.238 −8.128 ± 0.425 −8.072 ± 0.425 −7.338 ± 0.260 −8.069 ± 1.294

intrinsic )
log L[SII] Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyfert Passive

39.9 −2.187 ± 0.042 −2.312 ± 0.044 −2.469 ± 0.039 −3.154 ± 0.073 −2.797 ± 0.073 −3.984 ± 0.140 −5.586 ± 0.149
40.1 −2.276 ± 0.086 −2.376 ± 0.105 −2.514 ± 0.140 −3.371 ± 0.048 −2.963 ± 0.037 −3.771 ± 0.096 −5.421 ± 0.161
40.3 −2.298 ± 0.030 −2.372 ± 0.032 −2.494 ± 0.033 −3.479 ± 0.039 −3.016 ± 0.038 −4.026 ± 0.167 −5.844 ± 0.158
40.5 −2.381 ± 0.027 −2.444 ± 0.028 −2.572 ± 0.026 −3.591 ± 0.041 −3.084 ± 0.073 −3.938 ± 0.081 −6.620 ± 0.141
40.7 −2.523 ± 0.026 −2.573 ± 0.028 −2.705 ± 0.034 −3.791 ± 0.042 −3.251 ± 0.030 −3.934 ± 0.064 −6.749 ± 0.184
40.9 −2.693 ± 0.019 −2.736 ± 0.019 −2.886 ± 0.015 −4.027 ± 0.032 −3.370 ± 0.048 −4.079 ± 0.065 −7.444 ± 0.242
41.1 −2.876 ± 0.018 −2.925 ± 0.019 −3.048 ± 0.021 −4.136 ± 0.053 −3.643 ± 0.024 −4.263 ± 0.057 −7.251 ± 0.425
41.3 −3.090 ± 0.015 −3.127 ± 0.015 −3.275 ± 0.015 −4.513 ± 0.025 −3.801 ± 0.034 −4.364 ± 0.041
41.5 −3.328 ± 0.017 −3.360 ± 0.018 −3.511 ± 0.021 −4.807 ± 0.029 −4.053 ± 0.020 −4.505 ± 0.048
41.7 −3.599 ± 0.012 −3.631 ± 0.012 −3.803 ± 0.012 −5.134 ± 0.032 −4.295 ± 0.026 −4.732 ± 0.060
41.9 −3.921 ± 0.016 −3.951 ± 0.016 −4.129 ± 0.016 −5.502 ± 0.037 −4.640 ± 0.027 −4.910 ± 0.078
42.1 −4.274 ± 0.017 −4.308 ± 0.018 −4.496 ± 0.023 −5.732 ± 0.170 −4.964 ± 0.027 −5.328 ± 0.101
42.3 −4.641 ± 0.020 −4.663 ± 0.021 −4.906 ± 0.022 −6.317 ± 0.092 −5.218 ± 0.062 −5.584 ± 0.067
42.5 −5.139 ± 0.027 −5.152 ± 0.028 −5.408 ± 0.035 −7.334 ± 0.186 −5.752 ± 0.045 −6.077 ± 0.114
42.7 −5.306 ± 0.178 −5.324 ± 0.186 −5.931 ± 0.047 −7.145 ± 0.211 −6.068 ± 0.098 −5.616 ± 0.028
42.9 −6.012 ± 0.060 −6.032 ± 0.062 −6.418 ± 0.101 −7.936 ± 0.425 −6.478 ± 0.108 −6.987 ± 0.329
43.1 −6.412 ± 0.116 −6.428 ± 0.120 −6.589 ± 0.172 −7.200 ± 0.219 −7.247 ± 0.248
43.3 −7.016 ± 0.158 −7.196 ± 0.179 −7.324 ± 0.223 −8.072 ± 0.425 −8.075 ± 0.425 −8.111 ± 0.112
43.5 −8.078 ± 0.425 −8.078 ± 0.425 −8.078 ± 0.425

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