Open Access

Table C.1.

Hα and Hβ intrinsic luminosity functions of the main-ELG sample and their different components.

intrinsic log(Φ(LHα/Mpc−3 dex−1))
log LHα Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyferts Passive
39.9 −2.224 ± 0.103 −2.372 ± 0.140 −2.483 ± 0.179 −3.099 ± 0.070 −3.009 ± 0.093 −4.128 ± 0.168 −5.598 ± 0.145
40.1 −2.343 ± 0.094 −2.389 ± 0.066 −2.531 ± 0.080 −3.325 ± 0.043 −3.314 ± 0.193 −4.149 ± 0.118 −5.689 ± 0.176
40.3 −2.299 ± 0.049 −2.397 ± 0.058 −2.511 ± 0.041 −3.385 ± 0.056 −2.968 ± 0.151 −4.070 ± 0.107 −6.376 ± 0.192
40.5 −2.235 ± 0.041 −2.324 ± 0.037 −2.467 ± 0.038 −3.559 ± 0.038 −2.942 ± 0.061 −3.738 ± 0.083 −6.402 ± 0.202
40.7 −2.352 ± 0.095 −2.417 ± 0.110 −2.558 ± 0.159 −3.682 ± 0.043 −2.982 ± 0.043 −3.993 ± 0.202 −6.764 ± 0.202
40.9 −2.359 ± 0.029 −2.396 ± 0.030 −2.500 ± 0.036 −3.942 ± 0.031 −3.102 ± 0.032 −4.061 ± 0.080 −7.159 ± 0.352
41.1 −2.454 ± 0.027 −2.485 ± 0.029 −2.613 ± 0.024 −4.089 ± 0.035 −3.142 ± 0.078 −3.907 ± 0.061 −5.898 ± 0.426
41.3 −2.598 ± 0.028 −2.621 ± 0.029 −2.734 ± 0.036 −4.393 ± 0.031 −3.326 ± 0.036 −4.119 ± 0.071
41.5 −2.787 ± 0.019 −2.809 ± 0.019 −2.927 ± 0.017 −4.569 ± 0.098 −3.497 ± 0.055 −4.299 ± 0.047
41.7 −2.973 ± 0.021 −2.987 ± 0.022 −3.103 ± 0.026 −5.005 ± 0.035 −3.717 ± 0.031 −4.428 ± 0.041
41.9 −3.194 ± 0.014 −3.208 ± 0.015 −3.320 ± 0.016 −5.352 ± 0.036 −3.950 ± 0.024 −4.578 ± 0.052
42.1 −3.440 ± 0.016 −3.451 ± 0.017 −3.576 ± 0.016 −5.610 ± 0.117 −4.169 ± 0.028 −4.777 ± 0.050
42.3 −3.701 ± 0.024 −3.709 ± 0.024 −3.834 ± 0.030 −6.249 ± 0.076 −4.438 ± 0.034 −4.966 ± 0.099
42.5 −4.066 ± 0.014 −4.072 ± 0.014 −4.199 ± 0.016 −6.665 ± 0.127 −4.792 ± 0.032 −5.410 ± 0.111
42.7 −4.371 ± 0.031 −4.378 ± 0.032 −4.506 ± 0.040 −7.250 ± 0.248 −5.100 ± 0.030 −5.682 ± 0.063
42.9 −4.753 ± 0.025 −4.755 ± 0.026 −4.926 ± 0.023 −7.938 ± 0.426 −5.327 ± 0.075 −6.212 ± 0.157
43.1 −5.222 ± 0.033 −5.222 ± 0.033 −5.362 ± 0.044 −5.886 ± 0.052 −6.546 ± 0.174
43.3 −5.612 ± 0.061 −5.613 ± 0.062 −5.829 ± 0.082 −6.154 ± 0.119 −6.792 ± 0.199
43.5 −5.608 ± 0.036 −5.612 ± 0.359 −6.664 ± 0.122 −6.794 ± 0.157 −5.686 ± 0.006

intrinsic log(Φ(LHβ/Mpc−3 dex−1))
log LHβ Full sample SF sSFR SF BPT+WHAN LINERs Composite Seyfert Passive

39.9 −2.247 ± 0.051 −2.361 ± 0.056 −2.496 ± 0.041 −3.415 ± 0.057 −2.921 ± 0.140 −3.937 ± 0.080 −5.511 ± 0.144
40.1 −2.276 ± 0.033 −2.350 ± 0.036 −2.468 ± 0.040 −3.562 ± 0.037 −2.967 ± 0.037 −3.821 ± 0.160 −5.912 ± 0.179
40.3 −2.347 ± 0.091 −2.398 ± 0.103 −2.527 ± 0.014 −3.720 ± 0.037 −3.035 ± 0.039 −4.005 ± 0.098 −6.677 ± 0.160
40.5 −2.382 ± 0.027 −2.421 ± 0.028 −2.546 ± 0.029 −3.972 ± 0.032 −3.063 ± 0.065 −3.982 ± 0.060 −6.670 ± 0.154
40.7 −2.510 ± 0.023 −2.543 ± 0.024 −2.661 ± 0.027 −4.133 ± 0.037 −3.232 ± 0.034 −3.975 ± 0.077 −5.894 ± 0.422
40.9 −2.633 ± 0.030 −2.658 ± 0.032 −2.765 ± 0.037 −4.358 ± 0.068 −3.376 ± 0.049 −4.163 ± 0.066
41.1 −2.836 ± 0.017 −2.856 ± 0.017 −2.969 ± 0.018 −4.753 ± 0.031 −3.575 ± 0.033 −4.274 ± 0.035
41.3 −3.040 ± 0.020 −3.055 ± 0.021 −3.166 ± 0.023 −5.098 ± 0.032 −3.794 ± 0.031 −4.525 ± 0.044
41.5 −3.257 ± 0.016 −3.270 ± 0.016 −3.389 ± 0.016 −5.496 ± 0.034 −3.990 ± 0.029 −4.620 ± 0.053
41.7 −3.500 ± 0.019 −3.511 ± 0.019 −3.638 ± 0.023 −5.709 ± 0.152 −4.238 ± 0.024 −4.777 ± 0.041
41.9 −3.823 ± 0.015 −3.829 ± 0.015 −3.956 ± 0.015 −6.334 ± 0.088 −4.544 ± 0.040 −5.169 ± 0.165
42.1 −4.147 ± 0.014 −4.152 ± 0.014 −4.282 ± 0.015 −6.837 ± 0.166 −4.867 ± 0.028 −5.481 ± 0.089
42.3 −4.452 ± 0.037 −4.457 ± 0.038 −4.591 ± 0.046 −7.434 ± 0.349 −5.143 ± 0.050 −5.832 ± 0.071
42.5 −4.902 ± 0.020 −4.904 ± 0.020 −5.052 ± 0.020 −7.938 ± 0.425 −5.582 ± 0.053 −6.190 ± 0.158
42.7 −5.327 ± 0.054 −5.328 ± 0.055 −5.470 ± 0.070 −8.072 ± 0.426 −6.013 ± 0.061 −6.641 ± 0.168
42.9 −5.444 ± 0.245 −5.444 ± 0.245 −6.127 ± 0.058 −6.175 ± 0.139 −5.667 ± 0.13
43.1 −6.184 ± 0.074 −6.200 ± 0.072 −6.348 ± 0.094 −6.847 ± 0.155 −7.406 ± 0.202
43.3 −6.916 ± 0.171 −6.970 ± 0.188 −7.005 ± 0.202 −7.646 ± 0.308
43.5 −7.876 ± 0.426 −7.876 ± 0.426 −7.876 ± 0.425

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