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Fig. 13.


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main-ELG observed LF in the low (top) and high (middle) redshift bins, together with their Saunders fits. The markers, lines and colors are the same as in Fig. 11. The cyan shades indicate where the incompleteness starts to dominate and our LF measurements cannot be trusted. The lower completeness limits are set to LHα = 1040,  1041.1 erg s−1 for the lower-z and higher-z, respectively (see Appendix D). We compare them to the LF results at slightly higher redshift from Ly et al. (2007; z = 0.08) and Sobral et al. (2013; z = 0.4). The bottom panel shows the ratios of the low- to high-z LF Saunders fits. We compare these ratios to better understand the change in the line luminosity functions. At z > 0.12, there are no passive galaxies above the completeness threshold considered: LHα = 1041.1 erg s−1.

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