Open Access

Table 2

Line properties.

Molecule Line complex Integration range Transition(s) Eup Aul
[µm] [K] [s−1]
12CO2 v2 = 1 − 0 Q-branch 14.847–15.014(a) Q(20) 1196 1.54
v2 = 1−0 P-branch 15.435–15.460 P(25) 1325 0.65
v = 100−010 13.868–13.91
13CO2 v2 = 1−0 Q-branch 15.37 – 15.43
H2O 12.40 µm 12.38 – 12.42 174,13−163,14 (c) 5781 7.7
163,13−152,14 (c) 4945 4.2
15.17 µm 15.14 – 15.18(b) 87,2−74,3 (d) 2288 0.06
106,4−93,7 2698 0.43
17.22 µm 17.19 – 17.26(b) 113,9 − 100,10(c) 2438 0.99
123,9−112,10 3030 2.65
96,4−83,5 2347 0.34
23.65 µm 23.615 – 23.66 107,3−96,4 2956 24.4
107,4−96,3 2956 24.4
23.94 µm 23.91 – 23.96 115,6−104,7(d) 2876 10
116,6 − 105,5 3083 16.7
26.70 µm 26.67 – 26.74 87,2−76,1 (d) 2288 21.48
87,1 − 76,2 2288 21
15.55 – 15.59 133,10 − 122,11 3474 3.04
15.61 – 15.64 136,8 − 123,9 3953 4.03

Notes. For all H2O, 12CO2 and 13CO2 integrated line fluxes depicted in Figs. 4, 5, A.4, A.5, B.5 and B.6 we show here the name/wavelength of the line complex, the wavelength range of over which the flux of the line complex is integrated, transitions within the line complex, and the upper-level energy Eup and Einstein-A coefficient Aul of the individual transitions.

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