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Fig. 2.


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Comparison of the properties of the molecular clouds in 30Dor and the field. The panels show the distributions of the cloud properties, such as the nearest neighbour separation, rnnb (a), absolute value of the nearest neighbour velocity, |vnnb| (b), linewidth (c), virial mass, Mvir (d), cloud size (e), and CO line luminosity, (f). The clouds were distinguished between 30Dor and the field based on a circular aperture with a radius of R = 100 pc, corresponding to the size of 30Dor. The aperture was centred on R136. The distributions of the 30Dor clouds are shown in coral (48 clouds). For the field, three cases are considered: all the clouds outside the aperture (2655 full field clouds; grey histograms), only those full field clouds that reside outside regions with bright Hα emission (1668 Hα-dim clouds; yellow-green histograms), and those that reside inside these regions (987 Hα-bright clouds; blue histograms). The medians of the distributions are shown by vertical lines. For rnnb and |vnnb|, the p-values for the KS tests comparing 30Dor with the field are below the selected 0.05 threshold, marking a significant difference between the corresponding samples. This is also the case for the linewidth when comparing the clouds of 30Dor with those of the full field and Hα-dim regions. We list all p-values in Table B.1.

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