Open Access

Table 1.

X-ray spectral fitting parameters.

Model (1) NH (2) kT K(3) Mh (4) LX (5) C/ν(6) g.o.f. (7)
BBODY 0.109 ± 0.006 80/80 26%
DISKBB 1.0 79/80 27%
SLIMD 0.9 ± 0.1 74/80 21%

Notes. The errors correspond to a statistic variation ΔC = 1. (1)The models are reported with their Xspec names. (2)Intrisic absorption in units of 1022 atoms cm−2. (3)Normalization of the model, corresponding to K = L/D2 (with L luminosity in units of 1039 erg s−1 and D distance of the source in units of 10 kpc) for the BBODY model, K = (R2/D2) cos θ (with the internal radius R in km and θ inclination of the disc, θ = 0 indicating face-on configuration) for the DISKBB model, and kṁ/Edd for the SLIMD model. (4)BH mass in units of 103M. Derived from the model normalization for the DISKBB and as a fitted parameter for the SLIMD model, in both cases under the assumptions of the Schwarzschild metric and θ = 45°. (5)Unabsorbed luminosity in units of 1039 erg s−1 in the 0.3–7 keV band. (6)Value of the C-statistic divided by the degrees of freedom. (7)Goodness of the fit from Monte Carlo simulations.

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