Open Access

Table 3.

Properties of the UV–optical broad emission line components derived from the HST COS (top panel) and STIS (bottom) spectra.

Very broad
Line λ0 [Å] FWHM Flux FWHM Flux FWHM Flux
Lyα 1216 1470 ± 20 258 ± 4 3600 ± 70 250 ± 7 8800 ± 100 200 ± 10
N V(a) 1239 3530 ± 70 37 ± 3

Si II(b) 1260 3800 ± 800 < 20
O I(b) 1302 2390 ± 40 23.4 ± 0.8
C II(b) 1335 1800 ± 400 2 ± 1
Si IV, OIV], SIV](b) 1394 5800 ± 100 37 ± 1
NIV] 1486 2200 ± 100 4.0 ± 0.5
C IV(c) 1548 1760 ± 20 220 ± 40 6090 ± 80 218 ± 4 12 000 ± 200 112 ± 5
He II, OIII](c) 1640 3000 ± 100 52 ± 2
SiIII], CIII](b)(e) 1909 5400 ± 200 35 ± 3
Mg II(d) 2796 2810 ± 40 58 ± 2
Hδ 4102 3300 ± 100 6.1 ± 0.5
Hγ 4340 4600 ± 200 8.6 ± 0.8
He II 4686 5500 ± 200 10.3 ± 0.5
Hβ 4861 1710 ± 40 18.9 ± 0.7 4400 ± 100 16 ± 1
He I 5876 2100 ± 100 5.2 ± 0.3 3400 ± 700 2.0 ± 0.4
Hα 6563 1800 ± 40 98 ± 4 3300 ± 200 42 ± 8 7800 ± 400 29 ± 3

Notes. The FWHM is given in units of km s−1 and the flux in 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2, measured at Earth’s distance (154 Mpc). The flux is corrected for line absorption and Galactic dust extinction.


Doublet, components modelled separately.


Blend, modelled with one Gaussian component.


Doublet, intermediate components modelled separately, broad and very broad together as one Gaussian each.


Doublet, broad lines modelled as one component.


Possible contribution from a feature from the Fe III UV34 multiplet, as explained in Leighly & Moore (2004).

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