Open Access

Table 1

Observations characteristics of IRAS4A.

Project ALMA Repr. ToS Sensitivity Rms Min BL Max BL BW
Code P.I band frequency (GHz) (s) Array (mJy) (mJy) (m) (m) (GHz)
Long baseline observations

2018.1.00510.S James Di Francesco 6 265.88 7111 TM1(C43-8) 0.0220 0.10 92.1 8547.6 248–268
2018.1.00510.S James Di Francesco 4 140.84 8913 TM1(C43-9) 0.017 0.013 83.1 16196.3 136–154

Short baseline observations

2018.1.00510.S James Di Francesco 6 265.88 3267 TM2 (C43-5) 0.04690 0.02050 15.1 2617.4 248–268
2018.1.00510.S James Di Francesco 4 140.84 3125 TM2 (C43-6) 0.037 0.045 15 2516.9 136–154

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