Fig. 4
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Frequency spectra of the imaginary part of the quadrupolar Love number associated with the semidiurnal tide, , for the considered reference case and various values of the model key parameters. Top: variation of the colatitude of the continental centre (left panel) and continental angular radius at constant seawater volume (right panel). Middle: variation of the oceanic depth (left panel) and Rayleigh drag frequency (right panel). Bottom: variation of the effective shear modulus (left panel) and Andrade time (right panel) of the solid part. In each panel, the imaginary part of the Love number is plotted in logarithmic scale (vertical axis) as a function of the normalised semidiurnal frequency χ = (Ω − ns) /ΩΕ (horizontal axis), with ΩΕ being the spin angular velocity of the actual Earth. The solid black line designates the reference case defined by Table 2: , , H* = 4.0 km, , μ* = 25.1189 GPa, and .
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