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Fig. 11.


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Diagnostic tools for probing the anisotropic structure of turbulent fields. From left to right: second-order horizontal and vertical structure functions and their ratios for the emission measure fluctuations (top) and emissivity-weighted velocity (bottom). Full (resp. dashed) lines correspond to the quantities computed from the rescaled MHD simulation on a X-IFU–like (resp. Voronoi) grid with 12 independent MTI turbulent fields. The dots represent the same ratios, but derived from a single rescaled field of the MHD simulation used as input to OBScustom (top maps in Fig. 10). They are naturally noisier than those computed from the statistics of 12 independent fields, but also more anisotropic in average in the case of the emission measure fluctuations. Stars show the ratios as derived from the fields reconstructed from OBScustom (bottom maps in Fig. 10). The y-axis of the leftmost and centre panels showing the structure functions are in arbitrary units but similar for each row, so that the horizontal and vertical structure functions can be directly compared.

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