Table 3.

Summary of the analysis of each data set of 3D tie-points, identified by an ID number in the first column.

ID COR2 time Metis time Reference time r v r δ v θr ϕt
[hh:mm:ss] [hh:mm:ss] [hh:mm:ss] (x, y, z) in R (vx, vy, vz) in km s−1 R deg km s−1 deg deg
1 20:08:18 20:10:06 20:00:00 (8.4, −8.6, −9.1) (−114.0, 40.6, 103.5) 15.1 −37.1 159 3.1 20.6
2 21:08:18 21:10:06 21:00:00 (7.8, −8.4, −8.5) (−116.4, 43.3, 106.2) 14.4 −36.7 163 4.3 18.1
3 22:08:18 22:10:06 22:00:00 (7.2, −8.2, −8.0) (−119.1, 46.6, 109.2) 13.6 −36.3 168 4.3 17.4
4 00:08:18 00:10:06 00:00:00 (6.0, −7.7, −6.9) (−125.2, 54.6, 116.3) 11.9 −35.3 179 7.5 15.6
5 01:08:18 01:10:06 01:00:00 (5.3, −7.4, −6.3) (−128.9, 59.7, 120.6) 7.9 −34.5 186 7.7 16.2
6 04:08:18 04:10:06 04:00:00 (3.2, −6.3, −4.3) (−142.6, 83.6, 138.2) 8.2 −31.1 216 13.1 14.9

Notes. For each data set we provide the observation times in COR2 and Metis, the reference time at which the position r of the comet nucleus is computed in the HEEQ coordinate system, its velocity vector v, the comet distance r from the Sun, the heliolatitude δ in deg units, and its speed v. The last two columns report the angles of the VL tail direction from the radial and tangential directions in degrees.

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