Table 1.

VL observations.

Spacecraft Tel. FoV Pixel Bandpass UT range of RH Δ Phase angle
(°) scale (nm) observations (AU) (AU) (°)
(arcsec) (days in 2021 Dec)
SOHO C3 1.0–8.0 56.0 400–850 23.79600–24.99600 0.145–0.056 0.882–0.947 127–119
SOHO C2 0.3–1.6 11.9 540–640 25.13359–25.36688 0.042–0.014 0.957–0.978 114–78
STEREO-A COR2 0.5–4.0 14.7 650–750 24.49564–25.27689 0.098–0.026 0.892–0.946 135–131
Solar Orbiter Metis 1.9–3.4 10.14 580–640 24.83981–24.91588 0.070–0.064 0.966–0.971 127–126

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