Fig. 2.


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Spacecraft constellation at time of perihelion, 25 December 2021 10:16 UT, as seen from above the ecliptic plane (left) and from a side view (right) in the Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic (HAE) reference system. Solar Orbiter’s orbit is shown in blue, and that of the Earth in green. At the time of the observations, the Sun–Solar Orbiter line was separated from the Sun–Earth line by only 9.4° and the spacecraft was at a distance of 1.01 AU from the Sun. STEREO-A (red) was 0.96 AU from the Sun, and separated from Solar Orbiter by almost 25°. SOHO, situated at the L1 point, can be assumed to be at the same location as Earth (green dot). The comet trajectory is shown, together with the FoV provided by the Metis coronagraph (blue triangles).

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