Fig. 1.


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Composite figure showing the arrival of the comet as seen in the VL by the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter (top row, on 24 December 20:46 UT and 25 December 00:22, 02:46, and 04:22 UT), by the COR2 coronagraph on board STEREO-A (middle row, on 25 December at 00:23, 02:23, 04:23, and 06:23 UT), and by the LASCO-C2 coronagraph on board SOHO (bottom row, on 25 December at 05:24, 06:24, 07:24, and 08:24 UT). In each panel the location of the comet is indicated by a yellow arrow; the yellow grid shows the Stonyhurst coordinates on the solar disk and the dark grid on the corona shows different latitudes (with steps of 15 deg) and altitudes (with steps of 1 R). Each panel is obtained with JHelioviewer (Müller et al. 2017) as a base difference after the subtraction of the last available frame before the arrival of the comet in the instrument FoV.

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