Open Access

Table C.2

Gaussian fitting parameters for the Hα and Paβ line for visually found Paβ flares.

Karmn Name Spec, type JD −2450000 [day] λc [Å] Area [Å] σ [Å] λc [Å] Area [Å] σ [Å] λc [Å] Area [Å] σ [Å] log(LPaβ/Lbol) ΔpEW(Paβ) [Å] shown in Fig.
J01352−072 Barta 161 12 M4.0V 7735.340 6565.77 4.41 1.64 6567.86 0.85 1.94 12823.60 0.18 2.14 -6.12 0.009 10
J02088+494 G 173−039 M3.5V 7691.528 6564.99 1.75 0.64 12822.50 0.08 1.32 −5.20 0.009
J02088+494 G 173−039 M3.5V 7987.588 6564.91 1.16 0.67 6565.25 0.94 1.81 12822.40 0.16 3.34 −4.90 0.012
J03473−019 G 80−021 M3.0V 7677.596 6564.61 0.92 0.57 12821.70 0.06 0.57 −5.54 0.012
J03473−019 G 80−021 M3.0V 7766.314 6564.66 0.81 0.85 0.008
J07033+346 LP 255−011 M4.0V 8857.411 6564.61 1.90 0.61 6564.71 1.97 3.08 12821.60 0.15 1.40 −6.22 0.026
J07472+503 2MASS J0747+502b M4.0V 8882.442 0.007
J07558+833 GJ 1101 M4.5V 8041.580 6564.53 1.15 0.64 6564.42 1.19 2.96 12821.60 0.06 0.40 −6.00 0.026 9
J09161+018 RX J0916.1+0153 M4.0V 7712.658 6564.70 0.99 1.70 6565.64 1.04 5.36 12821.30 0.05 0.81 −6.22 0.031
J11055+435 WXUMa M5.5V 9748.384 6564.57 40.00 0.52 6565.54 29.87 1.62 0.015
J12156+526 StKM2−809 M4.0V 7449.654 0.005
J12156+526 StKM2−809 M4.0V 7558.430 0.023
J12156+526 StKM2−809 M4.0V 7752.752 0.007
T12428+418 G 123−055 M4.0V 7754.751 6564.60 2.05 0.58 12821.30 0.07 1.01 −6.65 0.017 B.1
J16570−043 LP 686−027 M3.5V 7822.700 6564.74 1.72 0.63 6564.10 1.30 1.94 12821.60 0.10 1.07 −7.15 0.018
J22518+317 GT Peg M3.0V 7762.276 6564.51 2.23 0.61 6565.89 1.14 1.64 12822.20 0.16 2.46 −5.06 0.011

Notes:* Flare detected by eye,a full designation 1RXS J114728.8+664405,b full designation 2MASS J07471385+5020386

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