Fig. 1
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Spectral subtype sequence of the wavelength region around the Paβ line for stars with Hα in absorption. Spectra of stars later than M5.0 V are not shown, since they either show Hα emission or have a low signal-to-noise. Each normalised spectrum is offset for convenience (offset marked as a horizontal dashed line). The dashed vertical lines mark the central wavelength of the Paβ line and the lower and upper limit of the line integration band. From bottom to top the following stars are shown: J03463+262/HD 23453 (M0.0V), J02222+ 478/BD+47 612 (M0.5V), J00051+457/GJ 2 (M1.0V), J13196+333/ Ross 1007 (M1.5V), J01013+613/GJ 47 (M2.0V), J00389+306/ Wolf 1056 (M2.5V), J02015+637/G 244-047 (M3.0V), J12479+097/ Wolf 437 (M3.5V), J04311+589/STN 2051A (M4.0V), J08119+087/ Ross 619 (M4.5 V) J18165+048/G140-051 (M5.0 V).
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