Fig. 8.
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Rest-MIR Sérsic indices of the 35 SFGs with S/N > 75 in our final sample as a function of their redshifts, stellar masses, rest-MIR effective radii, axis ratio, dust attenuation, and distances to the MS. Circles are color-coded by the distance of each galaxy to the MS, i.e., −0.5 < ΔMS < 0.5 (orange), and ΔMS > 0.5 (brown). Circles outlined by black edges are detected in the FIR by Herschel. The shaded regions show the 16th to 84th percentiles of the rest-MIR Sérsic index distribution, while the horizontal dashed lines represent its 50th percentile. The horizontal dotted lines correspond to the canonical disk-like (n = 1) and bulge-like (n = 4) Sérsic values. The discretized values along the dust attenuation axis correspond to the sampling of this parameter used for our CIGALE fits (see Sect. 2.3).
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