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Fig. 13.


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Distance to the MS as a function of the distance to the mass–Σ1 relation of QGs (; see Barro et al. 2017) for the 69 SFGs in our final sample. Green circles correspond to the population of galaxies with extended star-forming and stellar components (C1); red circles correspond to the population of galaxies with a compact star-forming component embedded in an extended stellar component (C2); and finally, purple circles correspond to the population of galaxies with compact star-forming and stellar components (C3). Green, red, and purple diamonds show the median values of these populations. The median increases of for these three different populations of galaxies are displayed by right-pointing arrows (see text for details of this calculation). Contours correspond to the distribution of all sources in the EGS, plotted using a kernel density estimator. The blue regions show the 1- and 2-σ dispersion of the MS, while the red regions show the 1- and 2-σ dispersion of the mass– relation. A typical 1σ error bar for individual objects is shown in the bottom right.

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