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Fig. 11


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Maps of (a) condensation timescale and (b) sublimation timescale of methane ice in the default simulation at t = 75 751 yr (176 orbits), expressed in units of the orbital period. With the exception of the co-orbital region, the condensation timescale of methane in the gap region is much longer than the synodical timescale ~10 orbits. This allows the gas to spread azimuthally. Since moderate amounts of pebbles may remain inside the co-orbital region, the condensation timescale could still be low there. The C/O ratio is higher in the region with long condensation timescales, as shown in Fig. 4f (see also the green contour that indicates the C/O = 1.5 boundary). Regions with condensation timescales exceeding 250 orbits (white) are associated with C/O>1.5. The red dashed circles indicate the Hill radius of the planet.

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