Open Access

Table A.1.

Description of the columns used in the catalogues we release in this work.

Column Identifier Description Units
KIC/K2_ID/TIC Kepler/K2/TESS ID None
K2_campaign K2 campaign number None
GEDR3_source_id Gaia EDR3 source ID None
GEDR3_ra Gaia EDR3 right ascension deg
GEDR3_dec Gaia EDR3 declination deg
GEDR3_l Gaia EDR3 galactic longitude deg
GEDR3_b Gaia EDR3 galactic latitude deg
GEDR3_ecl_lon Gaia EDR3 ecliptic longitude deg
GEDR3_ecl_lat Gaia EDR3 ecliptic latitude deg
GEDR3_parallax Gaia EDR3 parallax mas
GEDR3_parallax_Z5 L21 correction (5p) mas
GEDR3_phot_g_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 G-band magnitude mag
GEDR3_phot_bp_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 GBP-band magnitude mag
GEDR3_phot_rp_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 GRP-band magnitude mag
GEDR3_nu_eff_used_in_astrometry Gaia EDR3 effective wavenumber μm−1
GEDR3_pseudocolour Gaia EDR3 pseudocolour μm−1
GEDR3_astrometric_params_solved Gaia EDR3 number of astrometric parameters solved None
GEDR3_ruwe Gaia EDR3 renormalised unit weight error None
GEDR3_ipd_frac_multi_peak Gaia EDR3 percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak None
GEDR3_ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude Gaia EDR3 amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan None
GEDR3_ipd_frac_odd_win Gaia EDR3 percent of transits with truncated windows or multiple gates None
GEDR3_phot_bp_n_blended_transits Gaia EDR3 number of BP blended transits None
GEDR3_phot_rp_n_blended_transits Gaia EDR3 number of RP blended transits None
GEDR3_phot_bp_n_obs Gaia EDR3 number of observations contributing to BP photometry None
GEDR3_phot_rp_n_obs Gaia EDR3 number of observations contributing to RP photometry None
GEDR3_blending_fraction Gaia EDR3 blending fraction None
GEDR3_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor Gaia EDR3 BP/RP excess factor None
GEDR3_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor_corrected Gaia EDR3 corrected BP/RP excess factor None
GEDR3_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor_corrected_scatter Gaia EDR3 1σ scatter for the corrected BP/RP excess factor None
GDR3_non_single_star Gaia DR3 flag indicating the availability in Non-Single Star tables None
GDR3_distance_gspphot Gaia DR3 distance from GSP-Phot pc
GDR3_ag_gspphot Gaia DR3 extinction in G-band from GSP-Phot mag
2MASS_kmag 2MASS KS-band magnitude mag
APOGEE_alpha APOGEE [α/Fe] None
APOGEE_ASPCAPFLAGS APOGEE flag for issues associated with the ASPCAP fits None
GALAH_feh GALAH [Fe/H] None
GALAH_alpha GALAH [α/Fe] None
GALAH_flag_sp GALAH stellar parameter quality flag None
GALAH_flag_fe_h GALAH [Fe/H] quality flag None
GALAH_flag_alpha_fe GALAH [α/Fe] quality flag None
MA09_numax νmax from MA09 pipeline μHz
MA09_Dnu Δν from MA09 pipeline μHz
MA09_PARAM_mass Mass from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH M
MA09_PARAM_rad Radius from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH R
MA09_PARAM_mbol Bolometric magnitude from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
MA09_PARAM_dist Distance from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH pc
MA09_PARAM_Av Visual extinction from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
MA09_PARAM_Ks KS absolute magnitude from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
MA09_PARAM_parallax Parallax from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH mas
E20_numax νmax from E20 pipeline μHz
E20_Dnu Δν from E20 pipeline μHz
E20_PARAM_mass Mass from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH M
E20_PARAM_rad Radius from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH R
E20_PARAM_mbol Bolometric magnitude from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
E20_PARAM_dist Distance from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH pc
E20_PARAM_Av Visual extinction from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
E20_PARAM_Ks KS absolute magnitude from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH mag
E20_PARAM_parallax Parallax from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH mas
E17_evstate Elsworth et al. (2017) evolutionary state None

Notes. There are four datasets in total: Kepler+ APOGEE, K2+ APOGEE, K2+ GALAH, and TESS+ APOGEE. In these tables we compile asteroseismic information from MA09 and E20, spectroscopic constraints from APOGEE DR17 (Abdurro’uf et al. 2022) or GALAH DR3 (Buder et al. 2021), and astrometric properties from Gaia (E)DR3 (Gaia Collaboration 2021, 2023). Where relevant, uncertainties defined either as the standard deviation (‘err’) or as the 16th or 84th percentiles (68L, 68U) are provided. For APOGEE we adopt conservative uncertainty values of 50 K and 0.05 dex for Teff and [M/H], but keep the original values if they are larger. For GALAH, if [α/Fe] is not available, then the value and uncertainty on [M/H] are simply equal to those of [Fe/H]. GEDR3_blending_fraction, GEDR3_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor_corrected, GEDR3_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor_corrected_scatter are computed following Sect. 9.3 in Riello et al. (2021).

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