Open Access

Table C.1

Uncertainties on the cycle periods

Cycle range Averaged Ptrue 1-σ 2-σ 3-σ
Negative σ
Short 3.1 -0.03 (-0.03) -0.11 (-0.07) -1.92 (-0.14)
Median 6.2 -0.14 (-0.13) -0.70 (-0.35) -5.39 (-0.86)
Long 12.6 -1.73 (-1.59) -6.43 (-3.25) -12.20 (-4.78)
Positive σ
Short 3.1 +0.03 (+0.03) +0.18 (+0.08) +8.57 (+0.19)
Median 6.2 +0.15 (+0.13) +0.56 (+0.35) +24.55 (+0.94)
Long 12.6 +3.00 (+2.93) + 16.66 (+14.3) + 123.03 (+87.3)

Notes. Average true period and uncertainties (in years) for all spectral types, planet masses, and positions in the habitable zone. The total number of cycle estimates is 94824. The values in parentheses correspond to a selection of realisations with a long-term amplitude in log R′HK higher than 0.05.

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