Fig. 2.


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Time profiles used to determine the event parameters shown for the event observed on 2022 March 18. From top to bottom: near-relativistic electron fluxes observed by Solar Orbiter/EPT (heliocentric distance of 0.36 AU at 22:09 UT on March 18), STEREO-A/SEPT (heliocentric distance of 0.97 AU at 22:42 UT on March 18), and Wind/3DP, the background-subtracted fluxes, and the first-order anisotropy. The black lines and grey areas in the first two panels identify the mean of the pre-event background and the ±3σ levels. The dotted lines identify the onset times. The values in the fourth panel are the 15-min-averaged background-subtracted peak fluxes. The values in the bottom panel are three-minute-averaged values of the maximum first-order anisotropy.

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