Fig. 8.


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Evolution of the magnetic field. Left panels: evolution of the moat region surrounding the leading negative spot between 00:07:56 UT and 02:52:56 UT on 7 March 2022. This range of time covers the HRIEUV high-resolution observation time. MMFs can be seen in both panels. The magnetic field values have been saturated above (below) 800 G (−800 G). The size of the panels is 250 × 200 pixels. We added three isocontours of the LOS field corresponding to ±30, ±100, and ±800 G, outlined in red (blue) style for the positive (negative) values. A movie with a similar field of view and similar saturation is associated with these panels. Magnetograms in this movie were taken every 3 min. Top-right panel: magnetic flux decrease of the elongated positive polarity to the west of the spot in the same time range as the left panels. The red line corresponds to one magnetic field measurement every 3 min, while the black line represents a smoothing every 4 points. This positive polarity is the site where the western footpoints of the short dynamic loops seen by HRIEUV could be located (see also Fig. 10). Bottom-right panel: HMI continuum image at 02:52:56 UT. A few dark grains can be seen along the penumbral filaments at the location of the upflow region. These grains are seen in motion in the movie associated with this panel. We also note the presence of light bridges in the umbra, which are typical of decaying sunspots. Two movies associated with this figure are available online. The first shows the magnetogram (HMI-20220307e.mpeg), and the second shows the continuum (IC-20220307d.mpeg).

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