Fig. 6.


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EIS intensity (top) and Doppler velocity (bottom) maps as a function of increasing temperature (from left to right) for the raster used to measure the composition on 6 March 2022 23:26. The Fe XII 195.119 Å line here is deblended from the density sensitive 195.18 Å line. The data are resampled to an arcsec scale. The box (R3) on the Fe XI 188.216 Å intensity map shows where the composition measurement was made in the sunspot umbra. The boxes on the Fe XII 195.119 Å maps show the locations where the plasma composition measurements were made in the unusual blue-shifted upflow on the sunspot umbra (R1) and the red-shifted active region loops (R2). The Fe XV 284.160 Å image has been shifted upwards to account for the offset between the short- and long-wavelength detectors.

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