Open Access

Table 3

Percentage of stars with a detected period from the peri-odogram analysis or a τmin estimate.

Index Validated peak τmin from linear
>fap 1% and quadratic trends
Ca 9 (5.1%) 15 (8.5%)
Na 14 (7.9%) 13 (7.3%)
Hα 11 (6.2%) 10 (5.5%)
At least one 24 (14.1%) 25 (14.1%)
All 1 (0.6%) 4 (2.2%)

Notes. Number of stars (out of the 177 stars in the nightly sample) with a validated long-term chromospheric emission peak (see Sect. 3.3) or an estimated minimum period from the linear and quadratic analysis (see Sect. 3.2). We refer to Sect. 3.2 for the definition of the linear and quadratic categories.

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