Open Access

Table 2

Stars with the best constraints from our chromospheric emission analysis

Strict LIN or QUAD Pmin (Strict LIN or Q UAD) and Pmin None
Stars with no chromospheric long-term peak above the 1% fap

GJ 91 GJ 2066 (2Pphot) GJ213 GJ 436 All other
GJ 93 GJ 3018 GJ 341 (Trphot) GJ 849 (4)(a) stars
GJ 163 GJ 3082 GJ 551 (4) (Pphot)
GJ 173 GJ 3148 (Pphot) GJ 9482(a)
GJ 179 GJ 3307 (91 stars)
GJ 180 (Pphot) GJ 3404
GJ 208(a) GJ 3470
GJ 390 GJ 3502
GJ 406 (4)(a) GJ 3528
GJ 645 GJ 3804
GJ 682 GJ 3874
GJ 699 (7) GJ4001(a)
GJ 740 (6) GJ 4092
GJ 864 GJ 4100
GJ 1001 GJ 9133
GJ 1132 GJ 9360
GJ 2056 (Pphot)

Stars with a chromospheric long-term peak above the 1% fap, validated after steps 1-3

GJ 191 (Pphot) GJ 887 GJ 87 (Pphot)(a) GJ 701 GJ 514 (4) (Pphot)(a)
GJ 433 GJ 221 (Pphot)(a,b) GJ 752A (1,4) (Pphot)(a) GJ 693
GJ 447 (4,8) (Pphot) GJ 229 (1,4) (2Pphot) GJ 880 (2Pphot)(b) GJ 754
GJ 581 (2,3,4) (Pphot) GJ 273 (4,9) (Pphot) GJ 9425 (2Pphot) GJ 2126(a)
GJ 588 (4) GJ 317 (4) GJ 9592 LP816-60 (5)
GJ 676A (2,4) (Pphot) GJ536
GJ 832 (2,4) (Pphot)(a) GJ 628 (4) (2Pphot)
GJ 876 (Pphot)

Stars with a chromospheric long-term peak above the 1% fap, not validated after steps 1-3

GJ 696 (Pphot)(a) GJ 654 GJ 149B GJ 54.1
GJ 3256 GJ 3822 GJ 176 (4) GJ 361
GJ 3543 GJ 393 (Pphot) GJ 369
GJ 908 (Pphot)(b) GJ 667C (2)
GJ 1075 (Pphot)(b) GJ 680 (4) (2Pphot)
GJ 3135 GJ 3053
GJ 3341 GJ 3293
GJ 3634(a)

Notes. The three first columns identify how we classified the star, using the strict criterion (Fred > 0.5) with the linear or quadratic analysis in at least one chromospheric index, and/or if this criteria has allowed us to determine a minimum period (see Sect. 3.2). Validation of peaks when using the sinusoidal model is performed in Sect. 3.3 and corresponds here to steps 1-3, in order to keep interesting stars for the photometric analysis. Cycles have been published for the stars marked with a number, in the following publications: (1) Buccino et al. (2011), (2) Gomes da Silva et al. (2012), (3) Robertson et al. (2013),(4) Suárez Mascareño et al. (2016), (5) Oláh et al. (2016), (6) Suárez Mascareno et al. (2018), (7) Toledo-Padrón et al. (2019), (8) Ibañez Bustos et al. (2019a) and (9) Perdelwitz et al. (2021). Pphot, 2Pphot, or Trphot indicate that we fitted one or two sinusoidal functions on the photometric time series, with a peak above the 1% fap. (a) indicates peaks in the photometry with a period longer than the temporal coverage of the observations, and (b) indicates that all peaks in the chromospheric analysis have a period longer than the temporal coverage (i.e. did not pass step 4). All stars are from the nightly sample. We refer to Sect. 3.2 for the definition of the LIN and QUAD categories.

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