Open Access

Table 2.

Redshift bin information.

Redshift bin Sample #objects #specs zred Scatter
0.15 < zred < 0.3 dense 32 944 10 341 0.241 0.014 19.86 20.52 19.69 20.2
0.3 < zred < 0.45 dense 79 345 10 142 0.383 0.016 20.98 21.72 20.21 21.16
0.45 < zred < 0.6 dense 125 551 10 893 0.531 0.012 22.11 22.96 21.19 22.28
0.6 < zred < 0.8 luminous 57 129 1687 0.704 0.019 22.77 23.58 21.93 23.10

Notes. Redshift bins (1st column), the mean redshifts (5th column), their corresponding scatters (6th column, and visualised in Fig. 4), the 84th and 99.85th percentiles of the GAaP apparent magnitudes in the r-band of the selected galaxies in each redshift bin (7th and 8th columns), and the 84th and 99.85th percentiles of the GAaP apparent magnitudes in the r-band of the selected galaxies with spectroscopic redshift (9th and 10th columns). Scatter is defined as the scaled median absolute deviation of

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