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Fig. 11.


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Variation of the galaxy overdensity versus the orthogonal survey property parameters {S} in the third redshift bin zred ∈ [0.45, 0.6], with (in blue) and without (in red) the photometric weights included. The deviation of the galaxy over density from unity is quantified by with degrees-of-freedom (d.o.f.) = 14. In each panel, the bands show the means and scatters of ngal/⟨ngal⟩ in bins of survey property shown in the x-axis. We note that we have only included the four components of {S} that induce the most significant variations in the observed galaxy number densities. After including the photometric weights, the variation of galaxy densities with respect to survey properties is reduced significantly. This weighting method reduces the total from 9.26 to 2.74.

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