Fig. 7.


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Plasma conditions near LWs. (a) Ratio between the magnetic field magnitude at the locations of LWs and the background value, B0, over a five-minute interval (black). The ratio between the magnetic field magnitude at the center of five-minute intervals through all Solar Orbiter’s MAG data and the background value, B0, over the same interval is plotted for reference (red). (b) Ratio between the electron density at the locations of LWs and the background value, ne, 0, over a five-minute interval (black). The ratio between electron density at the center of five-minute intervals through all Solar Orbiter’s MAG data and the background value, ne, 0, over the same interval is plotted for reference (red). (c) Histogram of time from a LW to the largest magnetic field depression in a five-minute interval with center at the LW (black) and time from a LW to the largest magnetic field gradient (red). Time 0 means that the largest magnetic field depression (or gradient) in an interval ±2.5 min from a LW is at the location of the LW in question.

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